Feeling emotionally connected to your partner is great. It means there's intimacy in your relationship, and you can freely share your opinions without fear. In short, it's healthy. Being in love and caring about someone a lot can be overwhelming for both them and you. But according to experts, it's important to know when being caring is becoming emotionally suffocating.
"An emotionally suffocating relationship is one in which one or both people do not feel they have the freedom to be their authentic selves," Rebecca Ogle, LCSW, psychotherapist and relationship expert, tells Bustle. "Perhaps one or both partners is critical, overprotective, jealous, and/or has rigid beliefs and thinking."
If your partner is being emotionally suffocating, they may keep tabs on you throughout the day. They may subtly judge you, your appearance, or your opinions and choices. They may constantly worry and check in on your emotional state. They may get jealous and easily threatened by people you're close to, and they'll likely want to be in your life as much as possible.
It's not quite emotional abuse, but it can be really toxic. The good thing is, you can do some things about it before it gets worse. So here are some small ways to fix an emotionally suffocating relationship, according to experts.
1. Express Yourself
When you're in an emotionally suffocating relationship, you may feel like your boundaries aren't being respected. According to Kelsey M. Latimer, PhD, CEDS-S,
a psychologist who specializes in relationships and founder of Hello
Goodlife, some people see this in the level of communication they have.
For instance, if one partner doesn't need to stay in constant
communication throughout the day while the other does, they can feel
like their needs aren't being respected. "One of the most important
things to do to fix the experience of emotional suffocation is to
express your feelings openly to the person you feel is violating your
boundaries," Latimer says. If your partner isn't aware that they're
being suffocating, chances are they won't do anything about it. It can
be an even bigger problem if they're aware of your needs and aren't
2. Make Small Decisions On Your Own
"Over-policing and over-controlling can be symptoms of a blurred boundary style called enmeshment," Christine Scott-Hudson,
licensed psychotherapist who specializes in relationships, tells
Bustle. "Enmeshment generally develops slowly over time and does not
typically turn into conflict until one partner wishes to make a decision
in which the the other partner does not approve." If you feel like
you're enmeshed with your partner, it can make you feel like you have to
consult with them before you make any decisions. While you should
always talk to your partner before making major life decisions, you
don't have to talk to them about everything. "If you think you have
developed an enmeshment style of attachment in your relationship, begin
to set small limits on your partner’s overreach by making small, daily
choices without consulting with them first," Scott-Hudson says. This
way, you can start to gain some of your independence back.
3. Allow Your Partner To Do Their Own Thing Without Asking Any Questions
you are in the "controller role," practice allowing your partner to
make independent decisions without believing that they're going to
abandon you. According to Scott-Hudson, you may even want to do some
self-reflection to figure out why you feel the need to have control over
what your partner does. "Your partner will not leave you if they
individuate a little from the partnership," she says. "In fact, allowing them the space and
room to grow may help your partner to feel more comfortable, safe, and
free within your partnership." Healthy relationships give both partners
space to grow on their own while remaining part of a solid team.
4. Stand By Your Opinions
you're in an emotionally suffocating relationship, it can sometimes
feel like you have to agree with your partner or else it's just going to
cause problems. While having a different opinion may cause an argument,
it can be healthy. Couples who know how to fight productively typically
last longer than those who don't fight at all. So stand by your
opinions. "Tell your partner that the two of you can still love each
other without agreeing on everything," Ogle says. "No couple on earth
agrees on everything. That's the truth!"
5. Spend Time On Your Own Each Day Practicing Self-Care
If you want to create a healthier dynamic in your relationship, it's important to set boundaries for yourself. According to Penelope Lynne Gordon, relationship expert and women's empowerment coach, "Boundaries in relationships
are often directly linked to self-esteem. The partner who is clingy and
possessive, is oftentimes a person who is struggling with low
self-worth." It's important to spend some time each day doing things for
yourself. Practice self-care each day by taking a job by yourself,
reading a book, or writing your feelings out in a journal. As Gordon
says, "You will undoubtably see your boundaries strengthen and your
relationships flourish."
6. Put The Relationship On Pause For A Week
suffocating relationship are ones where one of the parties is putting
most, if not all, of their emotional, relational, physical touch, and
socializing needs on their partner, while the partner feels trapped and
possibly manipulated," Rich Oswald,
licensed professional counselor who specializes in relationships, tells
Bustle. Fixing this type of dynamic will require both of you to do your
part. Sometimes taking a break from each other can do a lot of good.
According to Oswald, putting the relationship on pause can give you time
to be yourself, and to reflect and address your individual needs.
"Otherwise, the pull to continue the dysfunctional behavior may be too
strong to allow any healing and growing to be accomplished," he says.
7. Reinforce The Importance Of Trust And Faith In A Relationship
It's important to note that if you ever feel guilty or ashamed for expressing yourself, Ogle says you may be dealing with much more than just emotional suffocation. In this case, this may be emotional abuse and talking to someone about it should be considered. There is help out there.