8 Long Distance Relationship Mistakes That Can Lead To A Breakup, According To Experts
When you and
your partner live in different cities (or even countries), you might
spend most of your energy trying to build a quality connection with each
other across the miles. But a number of subtle mistakes that long-distance partners make might not be the ones you expect, but could be powerful enough to lead to a breakup, according to experts.
of addressing issues with communication or reoccurring fights that
you're having, you might write these problems off as what just comes
with the territory when you're in a long-distance relationship. But it's
crucial not to let issues in your relationship slide if you're planning
on being reunited in person. "It may be tempting to think that although
you are unsatisfied now, once you’re no longer apart, everything will
be absolutely perfect in your relationship," Dr. Carissa Coulston, a
clinical psychologist and relationship expert at The Eternity Rose,
tells Bustle. But this is not the case. In fact, the opposite could be
true instead. "In the short term, you may find it harder to make things
work as you begin to learn new things about each other, settle into new
patterns, and start to figure out how your relationship works when
you’re up close and personal without the miles to separate you," she
Here are some subtle mistakes that people can make in a long-distance relationship, according to experts.
1. Doubting The Legitimacy Of The Relationship
the people in your life are suggesting that your long-term relationship
isn't as valid or as "real" as it would be if your partner lived in
your city, it can be easy to let their opinions affect the way you see
your own relationship. Even if your partner is far away, your bond with
them can be as deep and true as any other couple's connection, though.
"If [a relationship] means sharing your emotions and feelings with each
other, being dedicated to each other, and caring deeply for your partner
wherever they are in the world, then a long-distance relationship is every bit as real as one where you are together 24 hours a day," Coulston says.
2. Trying To Resolve Fights Late At Night
you've ever asked older couples what their best advice is, you've
probably heard "don't go to bed angry" over and over again. While this
saying might be helpful in some situations, it's certainly not a rule to
live by, especially if you're in a long-distance relationship.
"Attempting to resolve your anger late at night when you’re exhausted is
never a good idea," Coulston says. "This is especially the case when
your partner lives miles away." When you are able to literally share a
bed with someone, it's much easier to make up after a night than it is
with someone who you can't touch or interact with in person. "Rather
than rushing into more anger, take some time out," she says. "Talk about
your problems the next day after you’ve slept on them and you’ll find
you have a much better perspective on the issues in question."
3. Trying To Talk All The Time
It's definitely good to stay connected with your partner throughout the week, when you're in a long-distance relationship,
you can sometimes accidentally overdo it, which can actually create
problems. If the relationship is committed and healthy, you shouldn’t
feel the need to stay constantly in touch. "After all, if you were in
the same place, you wouldn’t spend 24 hours a day together," Coulston
says. "Space, both physical and virtual, is critical in any
relationship." When you aren't texting your partner constantly, you are
able to stay independent and value the times that you do talk even more.
4. Not Asking For Attention When You Need It
often think that our partners should automatically know that we want
them to make more time for us," Coulston says. "However, all too often
we fail to pick up on the signals." While it's not wise to talk with
your partner constantly, communication is definitely vital for a healthy
long-distance relationship, so if you don't ask for attention when you
need it, the relationship might deteriorate. "Physical signals are often
only visible in person, so it isn’t surprising if your loved one
doesn’t realize the way you feel," she says. "If you want to share more
of your partner’s time, talk to them about it."
5. Not Scheduling Fun Virtual Dates
you're in an in-person relationship, you get to build plenty of fun
memories with your partner by doing things like going to the opening
night showing of a movie, cooking dinner together, or playing board
games long into the night. "We become closer to others through spending
time with them and a great way to do this is through some kind of
activity," Dr. Alisha Powell,
PhD, LCSW, a therapist and social worker, tells Bustle. "Long distance
makes it more challenging but watching movies, having dinner together,
or video chatting while doing the same activity can increase emotional
6. Neglecting Your Own Lives
much of a good thing can sometimes be a problem. For example, if you're
working to create a healthy relationship with your long-distance
partner, you might devote most of your free time to chatting with them
in an attempt to stay close. But in any relationship, you need to take
care of yourself as well as your partnership. "Sometimes it’s hard to
balance relationships with people in close proximity to you with your
long-distance relationship," Powell says. "It’s important for both
partners to have their own lives so that they won’t end up resenting
each other."
7. Not Making Time For Intimacy
"Scheduling times to talk is important, but it's just as important as scheduling times to have video sex and phone sex," Adina Mahalli,
MSW, a certified relationship expert and mental health consultant,
tells Bustle. "Intimacy will be heavily lacking without being in close
proximity to one another so setting time aside to have a ‘date’ night is
vital for the relationship," she says. Even though you can't physically
touch, you can form a strong virtual connection. If this is something
that feels awkward for you and your partner, maybe try starting out via
text message, and then working up to more intimate methods like phone
and video.
8. Only Talking About "Important" Things
open and communicating regularly is very important in a long-distance
relationship," Mahalli says. But in addition to the frequency that you
connect, the actual things you talk to your partner about can be
important for keeping your bond strong. You might assume that
big-picture issues or only very intense emotions should be shared with
them, but the tiniest, seemingly least significant parts of your day are
crucial pieces of your conversations. "Speaking about trivial things
that happened during the day and about your emotional state are both
equally important for maintaining a healthy long-distance relationship,"
she says. If you lived with your partner or saw them in person most
days, you would tell them about the unusual hat you saw on the bus or
the silly joke your coworker told, not just the parts of your day that
were very frustrating or exciting, so make sure to do the same with your
long-distance partner.
It might take a little bit of extra
initiative to make your long-distance relationship feel intimate and
strong, but with a little work, you and your partner are sure to find a
healthy balance.